Best domain & hosting - Malaysia focus

Published at: 2020-07-12 16:00:00

Updated at: 2023-10-01 13:59:37


Hi! Today's article, I'm going to share with you my best domain & hosting provider. You might not agree with me, but I did have experience of using their services in the past and till now some of them still my choice to go for. So this article going to be fairly short this time. Anyhow, let's just get right into it.

So before going straight on giving you which is the best one, on my opinion. I think it would be best for me to explain why is it the best, right? And importantly also you should know that this domain & hosting provider that I will later on, is focusly (is this even a word?) more on Malaysia. But, no worries, there will be some of the provider that I will mentioned are internationally available for subscription. I hope so.

So let's start with what is domain and hosting. Basically they are:-

  1. Domain - name of your website (Eg: name,org)
  2. Hosting - storage of where you out your actual web content on (like cloud storage, but more extensive)

To put in perspective, if you have a domain, but not a hosting. You basically like having a grant of piece of land but don't actually know where is it or how to access it. Vice versa, you did have a land but you don't have a proper documentation that said you own the land. That's mean, you need both to actually make it work and function as it's supposed to. So with that understanding, now we can start the sharing session.

A. First Provider

The first provider would be the largest company that provide a lot of extensions and add-ons on their services, and that is Exabytes. Very in depth kind of website. You can basically find everything you want to know about domain and hosting just through their website. And like I said earlier, also provide a lot of services. Given that, Exabytes is somewhat in the upper level of providing a great and fast services. That also means it's going to be expensive. For a beginner, I mean if just trying to learn to use domain and hosting. Going for Exabytes, is overkill. Going through the subscription process for the first time, if you don't have any prior experience doing so, it would be really confusing and challenging.. I know that because Exabytes was my first domain and hosting that I chose to go with. It's like when you don't know anything, you feel safe when you know you got very dependable and reliable services that can cover you a** when something go wrong. That's the only reason why I chose Exabytes. But, frankly, if I do a bit of reading and research I could save a lot of money when starting to learn about domain and hosting. That's why I am here for you. To somewhat help you just a little bit of how you can do this effectively. But, nevertheless, Exabytes is a very great provider you could go with if you know what you want. Just my 2 cents.

What you need to do first is actually finding a good hosting as oppose to domain. The reason is most of the times, free domain will be given to some of the hosting plans offered. Instead of paying separate amount for domain and hosting, you could pay them in one offered bill. You can basically save a lot of money by doing so. Let's say for Exabytes Shared Hosting Packages, some of them comes with free domain. But, for beginner tryout hosting plans, I don't think they give free version of popular domain names like .com, .net, and etc. Other than that you could basically choose any extension you like. But, fyi, each extension's pricing differ. On Exabytes, the cheapest shared hosting you can get for SME are around RM16.99 to RM33.90. Yearly, equivalent to RM203.88 to RM407.88. This is not the overall prices yet. One domain could cost around RM62.90 to RM120.00. So you could expect to spend around RM279.01 to RM552.35 annually subscription plus 6% of Service Tax. The lowest you can get is by subscribing for triennially(3 years), RM825.72 to RM1264.42. Still, that's a lot of money. But, maybe for some of you, this amount could be somewhat reasonable just because you are thinking of making a website should cost a lot of money, right? But, let me tell you something. We can get it much lower if you do a bit more research and finding.

B. Second Provider

Enough about Exabytes. Let's go with the second provider which is SyokHost. Honestly, I just found out about this provider 2 weeks ago. Immediately after going into their website, I was shocked to see the pricing their put on their shared hosting packages. Not only it costs much less but they also give a decent or actually good specs of a hosting. The hosting packages start with RM30.00 to RM584.00. My suggestion would be, If you just someone who want to try to build you own WordPress website. Then, RM30.00 annually hosting subscription would be just enough to do so. The reason is because the specs of the shared hosting offered by SyokHost are very much better then any other providers that I have tried before with. The amount of disk space, max memory or ram, and even max cpu provided give a much better performance to price value. Let me give you an example:-

For the cheapest shared hosting from:-

  1. Exabytes

    • cost around RM279.01,
    • give 10GB of disk space (HDD - slower end),
    • 20GB of bandwidth (smaller end),
    • and offer 1GB of RAM (Max Physical Memory)
  2. But, you can get much better offer with Syokhost

    • cost around RM150.00,
    • give 20GB of disk space (SSD - faster option),
    • 300GB of bandwidth (larger end),
    • and offer 4GB of RAM (Max Physical Memory)

But of course you can ask for much faster option for disk space and higher bandwidth for Exabytes, then the cost gonna change to:-

  1. Exabytes (upgraded version)

    • cost around RM443.14,
    • upgrade to 20GB of disk space (SSD - faster option),
    • upgrade to unlimited bandwidth,
    • upgrade to 2GB of RAM (Max Physical Memory)

But still, a high speed unlimited bandwidth shared hosting for RM400.00+?! Personally, I rather go for RM150.00 with just 300GB bandwidth. Trust me, it's more then enough. Even for a lite to medium E-commerce WordPress website.

Nevertheless, in the end it's all up to what kind of WordPress website you're trying to build. And of course, these pricing will not represent for all other providers out there. There could be any provider out there that offer much better specs to price value options. These are just a few from, I don't know, maybe thousand or hundred thousand of providers that I have experience with and able to share with you guys. Then, like always, I hope I'm at least able to share and clarify to you guys which and what kind of provider you should go for. Before I end this article, let me list my top domain and hosting providers that I love to work with.

A. Hosting

  1. SyokHost
  2. MesraHosting
  3. DataKL
  4. Exabytes

B. Domain

  1. Namecheap

Thanks for spending time reading this article. Hope it helps those in need. Until next time, Chao! Salam.