Getting started website of your own

Published at: 2020-08-24 16:00:00

Updated at: 2023-10-01 13:59:37


This going to be fairly short article. You can do this in 2 ways.

  1. with any ready CMS (Content Management System) platform
  2. create your own from the scratch

But before we get into each of them thoroughly. You need to understand that both ways do need:-

  1. Domain
  2. Hosting

You can read about this in this article here, on my LinkedIn article posts, or my own Portfolio website. With that explained, let's get into it.


It's an application that enables you to manage your own content the way you like. It can be very simple yet also be something that complicated at the same time, if you don't know how to manage it well tho. However, the learning curve would be pretty easy compared to building one from the scratch yourself.

CMS is not just a website builder. It's actually a complete website. You can make it be anything you want. From a blog to a fully functional E-Commerce website. You can actually start having one simply with just a budget around or below RM200 or 50USD. This budget only applies to you if you know how to setup your own CMS website. If you do with a professional or hired somebody else to do it for you, then the cost definitely going to be different. Or in some cases, very expensive. Especially when concerning regarding an E-commerce kind of website.

Anyhow, you don't have to worry too much regarding the setup process. I've a tutorial video on how to do just that here on my Youtube Channel. If you need more clarification regarding the setup process. Do please drop a comment in the comment section down below or contact me through my email at

B. Custom

This one you will need a proper knowledge and heavy commitment on the learning process. You will need to know a lot of things. Especially need to learn how to code first. Haha.

Since like I said earlier, this article going to be fairly short and simple. I will allocate another time for the explanation on what makes a custom website. But for the moment, custom website is simply just CMS with a crack. Meaning you can do anything you like with it. You can CRUD (create, read, update, delete) anything in the system. You basically like a god in the system.

But don't be mistaken. You can do the same with just a normal CMS. The only different is your knowledge on programming. If you have this, then even normal CMS will become your bi***. Haha.


In simple word, having knowledge on programming will enable you to have a total control over your system. Doesn't matter if it is a CMS-type or Custom-type of website. But like I said earlier, the learning curve between those two are different. You don't actually need a programming knowledge when wanting to have a CMS kind of website. But on contrary, you do need one when building it from the scratch.

Thanks for being here. Until next time, Chao! Salam.