Published at: 2020-01-10 16:00:00
Updated at: 2023-10-01 13:59:37
There's a lot of guides you can find out there when searching about this topic. However, we going to give you the number 1 clue on how you guys can know how much text and images you should use on your graphic designs.
And that is non-other than knowing the purposes of your graphic designing. Yeah. It's cliche~ But that's the only clue that matters the most.
If you're creating a Facebook Ads for your product. Then the guidelines would be little to no text at all in most cases (Like the image above). You can indefinitely design with most-text, and it will still pass the review (like the image below). But, the total engagement with viewers will surely become less. Let alone making conversion out of it. The reason why Facebook's recommendation stated something like that because according to its research and findings, viewers are more inclined to engage with ads that contain less to no text graphic designs. Simple as that.
The same goes for designing a banner for Google Ads. Which focusing on having text more than image. You can read this 15 Ads Banner Design Tips article to know what's the best approach when designing a banner.
See! Different purposes, different approaches when graphic designing. There's no one way of doing it actually. It changes from time to time depending on how the viewers accept them.
Leaving us with doing more research and reading on the latest changes from time to time.
Thank you for spending time reading this article. Until next time, happy New Year 2020!